Type S055 - Magnetic inductive sensor with flange

The Type S055 magnetically inductive flow sensor (compact or separate version) is suitable for liquids with a minimum conductivity and for use in applications with requirements in areas of water measurements. The combination with the dedicated SE58 S transmitter (minimum required conductivity: 20 µS/cm) or with the SE58 M or SE58 L transmitters (minimum conductivity required: 5 µS/cm) results in a flowmeter with different performance, functions, materials and approvals, with the corresponding suitability for the respective applications depending on the respective requirements. With the SE58 S you get a compact device, with the SE58 M and SE58 L compact devices or remote versions are created for which the transmitter and sensor are connected by 2 cables up to a maximum length. Standard process connections available for the S055 are flange connections.
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